who we are

We are a team with years of experience in pastoring and church planting, who work across Ontario and English speaking Quebec to inspire and facilitate a church planting movement. We are the church planting arm of FEB Central Ministries, which is the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada, the Central region. FEB Central has helped many churches plant in the past 25 years. We have a 90% success rate which is a blessing from God. By working with FEB Central Church Planting, the Partner Church and Planter receive help from an established and experienced leadership team who are theologically likeminded.

Check out this video and learn about our vision, meet our team and hear some inspiring stories of what God is doing through church planting in our region!

Our Vision

To see 6% growth in churches being planted in our region every year until every man, woman and child belongs.

We are striving to inspire and facilitate a movement of church planting across our region until every man, woman, and child has the opportunity to respond to the gospel in their context and become disciples for God’s glory.

Our Mission

To recruit, assess, train and coach church planters to plant and establish reproducing churches.

We connect and partner with associations, churches, boards, pastors and potential planters to share the possibilities of church planting and to encourage them with a vision to multiply. We work very closely with potential Planters to prepare and equip them to plant a church, as well as provide ongoing training and coaching to support the Church Planter through the church planting journey.

Our Values

Value 1: Planting churches that are unique to the cultural context.

It is important to us that our church plants reflect the culture and context where they are planted. That is why our church plants are very unique to one another! We have more than 6 different languages represented across our church plants. Each of these church plants are led and operate in a unique way that fits where they are planted.

Value 2: Planting churches that are focused on making disciples.

More than just a Sunday morning church service, we place a high value on our church plants making disciples who then go and make disciples.

Value 3: Planting churches that are reproducing.

Part of facilitating a church planting movement is planting churches that then plant churches. Our church plants have this long-term kingdom minded goal from the beginning, that once they are established, they will look at planting a new church.


our process

Check out this page to learn about our church planting process: